Course of in deepth work

Course of an in-depth work together

INCLUDED: Medicinal herbal tea adapted to your needs.


I identify the original root cause of your problem following a discussion that allows me to consider all the dimensions of your health. Then, I balance the global energy circulation of your body and mind. I help you to release physical and emotional tensions so that you can relax deeply.

  • Energy healing session, reiki or magnetism treatment, channeling) and sonotherapy
  • Touch4health kinesiology (body) if the problem is of physical origin.

> 2 to 4 week after <


We look for the initial cause of your problem and determine together a “goal” for the session using your body language. Then, in a state of relaxation (lying down), we release the emotional memory associated with the cause of your problem with numerous tools. When you are ready, restoring balance can be done very quickly: my method is a brief therapy!

> 3 to 6 weeks after <


We go further in the objective of the session than the previous one, or we start with the next objective. Memories are released layer by layer in your subconscious mind, and present themselves one after the other. The session may include hypnosis to transform your limiting beliefs, while deeply releasing your deep wounds.

> 3 to 6 weeks after <


Physical, mental, emotional, energetic… and that the changes to integrate in depth. If the balance is not present, I will restore it and guide you on the changes you need to make in your life to maintain it in the long term.

I advise you. Whether it is about concrete things: posture or a cousin to protect your back at work, reviewing your work patterns and integrating new habits that are positive for you in your life, personal and spiritual development exercises.

Price 4 sessions (7h)  ¥ 58 000

You have chronic body pains and you never figured out why?

You lack of confidence? You would like to be respected for you who are?

You struggle to release your resistance by yourself and need some professional support for that?

Body mind therapy Tokyo bring your relief

Let me help you to relax and care about yourself with compassion.

Understand and let go your fears, pains, anger, worries, guilt…

Open yourself to joy, harmony, happyness and self love.

Body mind therapy helps you...

In a states of peace and relaxation, I help you to release the memories of your body and soul, from recent to very old. I also work on your trans-generation and alienating links, that you carry in your cells without alway even knowing it.

Then, we reset your mind by transforming your “old programs & behaviors” with body mind therapy in Tokyo (Online when we cannot meet).

Whatever your issue is, there are solutions! I help you and your family, at any age and evolution stage of life on earth. At Otomi Therapy, find a warm and safe space, surrounding your with gentleness, and benevolence.



  • I listen to you carefully. Then, I ask you questions about your life style. 
  • Health include the physical body, the mind, the soul’s memories. But also your living place, surrounding, relationships, habits, diet, social environment, etc.
  • After a body health check-up, I process to a general balancing (physical & energy)

A first session brings to you…

  • Relaxation and relief. You might also feel lightness, and more clarity.
  • In the next days/weeks you will still feel the benefits: more inner peace and joy, some change around you.
  • Drainage and elimination
  • The transformative journey is JUST starting! 

Whatever your problem, there are solutions! I help you and your family with a therapy of body and mind, in a joyful, gentle and caring way.

... to live happy and free

In the STEP 1, we relaxed your body, and started to clean your memories. Now, I will help you with deeper memories release, and moreover, to transform your mind with kinesiology work.

The more you release and transform your mind, the closest you get to the true version of yourself.

By seeking and releasing the very root cause of your physical and emotional blockages, I help you to transform yourself and recover the control of your life.

A first session will consist in a global holistic health check up and energy therapy (Oriental traditional medicine approach). If you need to talk, I take the time to listen to you with benevolence and attention.

A general and complete treatment to balance body and mind. with advices for your health (food, physical exercices).



  • We will find out your positive goal to achieve today.
  • We clarify it using your body langage: the mind can trick us, body never lies.
  • We seek for the root cause of your issue until we find it and release it. 

When we work together on a 2-hour objective

When we work together on a goal in a 2h session, onces we processed to an emotional release (meaning we found out the age of the initial cause of your problem), we do not need to work on the exact same goal again: it’s done.

THE NEXT SESSION will be working on another issue that you could not see before, as the first one was covering it… memories are like layers, or an iceberg: they rise at the surface, one after another!

Sometimes, some goals like those seems too far, too hard, too much for today, but Together, everything is possible!

Allow me to mirror you your creative mind power. I help your to tap into your ressources and we will find out the right goal that your mind can believe in today.

Some results you can have by working together…

  • You can make choices in your life that are in alignment with you true self.
  • You are free from what was stopping you to change: your creative power is back!
  • You can move forward lighter, with more ease.

This is a collaboration. I guide you, you own the ship. I do certain things on the invisible & energetic level that you might not able to see directly. For the rest, my work is helping you to release yourself!

... Creator of your life

Otomi therapie, votre centre thérapie psychocorporelle à Tokyo pour la santé naturelle

We take you on a multidimensional journey towards holistic health. In the different stages of life, we encounter different challenges and have different needs as we evolve.

We love those around us and wish the best for our family

When we work on ourself, it impacts them positively our surrounding. And of course, a great harmony in our relationships is very important for more inner peace in our lives. 

This is why it’s important to go deeper in the healing process by taking care of the transgeneration memories. If your family members are open to it, family therapy is always very effective and provide faster healing and recovery. As a parents, we sometimes feel helpless for our children. As a friend or a sibling, we would like to provide support. As a grand child, we want to help our dear relative on the way to the underworld. But it’s not that easy when emotions are involve….

And this is where I can help you and your family with professional support. 

Have you tried a session and it worked for you?

Now that we have created a pleasant and trusting relationship, you feel secure in bringing your family members along.


IN DEEPTH THERAPY for you, your family

  • Transgeneration memories & psychogenealogy
  • Mind reset, change old pattern and limited thoughts
  • Perinatale, pregnancy, Family therapy, couple therapy, children, senior.

Some examples of consultations for babies, children and men

  • Recurrent back pain, stomach pain

  • Sexual concerns, male problems

  • Preparing for a pregnancy (preventing the transmission of trans-generational emotions and memories)

  • Energetic assessment and balancing of the body and mind for your newborn child

  • Your child cries for no reason.

    Sensitivity, hyperactivity

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Learning difficulties

  • Skin problems

  • ‘Health prevention (avoid getting sick during the change of season, medicinal plants)

You're making yourself a gift that will have positive impact on you, your surrounding, and even more !

Our modern life style has been putting many of us away from an intuitive way of living. It manifest on many aspects: food, relational, work environment… But there is a way to transform things: reconnect to ourself, heal what has to be healed, and create a new reality from deep inside.

As a consequences, with those new believing you create new habits, and your actions are different than before. Why? Because you think differently, so you make different choices! To resum, you’re offering yourself a great gift… but not only: it impact your family, your relatives, your surrounding, and the earth : you might think more about her as well 😉

Conscient de ton corps, éveilles ta conscience, élèves ton esprit

A time for healing and care, with Body Mind Therapy Tokyo

Relax yourself through breathing

Harmonize your physical, mental, emotional health

Listen to, understand and feel your body

Develop your creativity, optimize your potentials

Live life with gentleness, respect and serenity.

Fully yourself, share your beauty

Find your balance, align your thoughts, emotions and actions

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