Dance Therapy Tokyo

Dance therapy Tokyo

Dance therapy Tokyo reconnect your body and mind. Thanks to the healing musics, it activates your self-healing natural process!

Be reborn to yourself, just be! Let the flow of life flow through you.

Dance Therapy Balance your body and mind

Movement & body work

In traditional Chinese medicine, we prevent rather than cure a health problem.
When energy does not circulate properly in your meridians, you may encounter various problems (weak muscles, fatigue, organs not functioning properly…).

This is why the seasonal assessment is recommended to maintain the energetic harmony of your body. We offer you to take some self care dance therapy lesson online to prepare your body & mind to each season, and make sure always remaining in good health!

Japanese medicine


Acupressure points
Meridians massage

The session begins by balancing the flow of energy circulating in the meridian of the season with self-acupressions and self-massage. 


Qi Qong

Let’s prepare and strengthen your body to welcome the new season and prevent possible weaknesses thanks to gentle stretches inspired by Do-in and Qi qong.


Brain gym and EMDR
Mind reprograming

Reconnects the two cerebral hemispheres, activates your focus and improves your body abilities. Positive sentences are integrated with eye movements to facilitate your transformation.

Dance meditation

Danse thérapie

Free movement
Guided by soundwaves

Entering the soft intuitive movement with invitations: we gradually embody the element of the season and connect it to our material/body.

1:1 online program

Groupe session Tokyo

Dhyana, silence of the soul...

...Discover U.M.U Dance therapy Tokyo

  • Umareru = to birth
  • Mu = nothing, zero… It can be seen as the everything and the all : a quest of the oneness state.

Experiment the benefit of dance therapy & meditation

Reconnect body with nature, following seasons.

Dance therapy ・Tokyo Circle

OLI yoga studio, Mitaka

1st sunday of each month・3pm – 5pm.


  • Introduction: season, organ to care, emotion
  • Qi gong (kiko), yoga, self-shiatsu, Do In
  • Free body movement & voice with traditional silk road music or live music
  • Massage, reiki, meditation
  • Sharing time


FEB 5th

DATES 2023

  • SUN Feb 5th, Mar 5th
  • SUN Apr 2nd, Mai 7th, June 4th
  • SUN July 2nd, Aug 6th, Sept 3rd
  • SUN Oct 1st, Nov 5th, Dec 3rd
  • SUN Jan 2024


  • Â¥3200- 1 class
  • Â¥32000- 12 class (=2 free)

Note: Valid from February 2023 to January 2024


First session: 5th February


10 sessions, 2 offered


Dance and movement to music are used here as part of a therapeutic process to address your physical, emotional and behavioural needs.

You can simply relax, move around on the floor, enjoy the relaxing vibrations and caring.
You can share your concerns and challenges with others.
This is not a substitute for individual therapy but it will help you feel better!

Anyone who wishes to discover and express themselves through body expression, release stress and blockages, or promote physical rehabilitation.

Dance is known to improve coordination, strength and health. But movement activities can also improve psychological, emotional and behavioural health.

Dance therapists assume that the body and mind are deeply connected, and use this connection to assess and treat your difficulties and bring you relief and well-being.

Dance therapy ・Online session

Very unique & personalised "Dance therapy" program online (via Zoom)

Dance therapy tokyo

This therapeutic approach makes it possible to transcend your blockages in a subtle modified state of consciousness, facilitated by the effect of sound vibrations. It helps you to reconnect with your body, feel your posture & attitude in life.

It not a course, it’s a real therapy sessions. The purpose is helping you to take your health into your hands & significantly improve your body and mind condition. By connecting all the aspect of your being and bringing, you can move forward and be where you want to be in your life!

Each session is a deep treatment. Take time for yourself, regain your decision-making power, and enjoy the benevolent energy. Reconnect, re-establish links with yourself, nature, the universe. We are always connected with the universe and beings, we are never alone. Let’s dive in the inner journey together !

Example of a Dance Therapy goal's session

Fire element  (month of june)

  • EMOTIONS – Release of guilt and forgiveness 
  • BODY – Balance the energy flow in the heart muscle : pericardium
  • MIND reprograming : ” I accept the responsability of my own development and I am related to those who facilitate in total freedom” 

-> Please, have a look on the programs of our “NEW MOON SOUND WAVES MEDITATIONS“, we follow the same evolution based on the season’s energy.

LET’S MEET & have a chat FOR FREE !

Select “Online”, and choose your time. NOTE: Time zone is JST : UTC+9h

Your dance therapist

A nomadic world dance artist & Therapist in Tokyo

Body therapist but also a contemporary dancer, traditional world dance artist, fire dancer, an actress she is called “Leiya” in the artistic world. She shares with you her rich life experience having and offering you a wide range of danced flavors.

Many people have trusted her and allowed her to attend ceremonies in different countries. She has been able to spend time with “shamans” and tribes from all over the world and passes on her knowledge with heart.

She loves to dance in nature and invites you to improvise “in situ”: intuitively dancing the space, the present moment, interacting and connecting, expressing the invisible, transforming the energy of the space and purifying it to raise its vibratory rate.

Her career as an artist committed to ecology and change has been rich: she has collaborated with musicians, toured with music groups, performed and taught world cultures in international schools (Gypsy culture in India, Japanese Zen culture in France…). 

Come and discover his method of movement therapy: “sacred organic dance”, which aims to harmonize the elements in your body and improve energy circulation in the meridians and organs according to the seasons. A preventive and creative method, which can be “therapeutic”. Try an online course: a gift for your expansion!

Take care of your body, unify with mind & spirit

Healing meditation in motion

Meditation is not always easy to access, especially in the beginning. For some people it is not easy to remain static, however meditation can be done in a wide variety of forms: while doing the dishes, contemplating a landscape, walking, through movement …

Many philosophies or spiritual practices integrate meditation:

  • Whirling in Sufism.
  • With the kotodama (sound of the mantra of symbols) in the Reiki, method of energetic healing and spiritual development.
  • The slow, silent, mindful walking in Zen Buddhism

We propose various forms of meditation through movement to be experienced together, and accessible to all, whether you like body expression or not, it is an experience far beyond: a search for uniqueness, a release from emotional stress, a calming of body and soul, a deep relaxation of the being.

Others casual workshops

Ecstatic dance

No shoes, no booze, no chichat. Warming up with kinesiology, a special DJ set with a music evolving to encourage the “letting go”. Dance crazy and release yourself, or just relax. 


Dance with the univers and the planet. Experiment the mystical ecstasy, the way of love, the quest of the divin within ourself, the oneness. An invitation to discover the poetry Rumi and the sacred music.

Zen Walk

Coming from Zen bouddhisme, this is a silent walk, in a state of contemplation, in full awareness. A deep meditation and a connection to yourself and your environment. 

Contact improvisation

Improvised partner dancing that involves the exploration of one’s body in relationship to others and to the space, by using the fundamentals of sharing weight, touch, and movement awareness.

What do they say about dance therapy

I did dance therapy sessions with Emmanuelle during the whole covid lock down, we even continued afterwards so much it was great, resourcing, and full of joy. It allowed me to get through this complicated period calmly and without stress and to overflow with energy!
Caroline Marmoz
Cultural administrator
I had the opportunity to take part in an organic dance workshop, it was an intense and rich moment . the musical accompaniment was perfect and original. a journey . Leiya Emmanuelle is also a great coach! She is a multi-talented coach who accompanies me in my personal development and towards entrepreneurship.
Valérie Charrier
Dance event organizer
I took part in a meditative dance workshop with Leiya, in a magical place. It was a pure moment of sharing and happiness, a real bubble outside space and time. This workshop allowed me to reconnect with my true nature, my intuition, my female body, and to share moments of sensory and spiritual experiences in a cocoon of benevolence. A real step on the path of my soul, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Amandine Boussin
I made an organic dance session. Leiya is very attentive to the body and the personality of each person in order to adapt our movements, to teach us to know our body better. Great session to be in a good mood and joy!
Virginie Piole

Time for reconnections with your true nature

Our Online school

Spiritual awakening & wellness

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