Meditation course online

Meditation courses online

Bouddhist technic: vipassana, zazen

Meditation courses online: learn to meditate step by step, following several bouddhist methods.

Samatha: releasing tension, Vipassana: stabilising the mind, and Zazen or shikantaza: simply sitting in silence.

Are you ready to clear your mind?

I wish to advance towards the knowledge of my true being, in the acceptance of what is, with compassion towards myself and respect for every living being. 

I accompany you to find harmony in silence, with joy and kindness, starting from where you are today.

Meditation, for more inner peace in your life!


In private 1:1

Or by small group of 2-3 peoples

-> Via a video call : zoom

-> Duration of each meditation class : 60 min

Guided meditation with a progression to allow you to advance in your practice and gradually reach silent meditation.

A private course with personalised support to help you calm your mind, manage your breath and your emotions.

Learn meditation online, step by step.

Progressive learning with meditation courses accessible to all.

Shamata & Vipassana

  • Observation of thoughts and emotions
    Breathing and listening to the breath
    Body scan
    Release of physical tensions

Zazen - Shikantaza

  • Posture and explanations
  • Sit silent meditation


Leiya makes it easy to open your mind to new ways of thinking.
Leiya is benevolent and resourceful. If you are stressed or worried about something, even if you don't know what it is, she will be able to make you more relaxed with her lessons. It's really nice to learn from her.
I did meditation sessions with Emmanuelle during the whole confinement. It allowed me to go through this complicated period serenely and without stress and to be full of energy!

Meditation courses online

10 meditation class - 3 month validity

60 min

1:1 meditation courses online, by zoom.(or by 2-3 pers max, mutual agreement, better to start & finish together)

The theme changes every session.

  • Sharing your state, need of the day, motivation
  • Time to refocus, with music
  • 30 min guided meditation
  • 15 min of silenceTime for sharing

350€ | ¥47000

Mindfullness & CBT Tokyo

Learn to manage your breathing and free your mind

It's time to make your choice

I transform my mind and find more serenity in myself, thanks to the 10 meditation classes with Leiya. 

-> After registration, you will receive an email from Leiya inviting you to set the time and day of your weekly class!

Note: I am in the Japanese time zone UTC+9.

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