Crystal bowls course・Sonotherapy


Crystal bowls course, sonotherapy. Learn sound healing with crystal bowls for healing.


Crystal bowls course・Sonotherapy

PRESENTIAL class to learn how to play crystal bowl 

Learn to play crystal bowls for healing and relaxation purpose: the technics, how to use them in an energy treatment, and find the harmonics. All the basics for sonotherapy.

One course focuses on one subject, and it will take whole day.

It’s possible online but you do need your own set, and a good sound system!

PROGRAMME or crystal bowl dound therapy course

  • Bowls constitution, making process
  • What are Sound waves?
  • Effects on the body & mind
  • Observe & feel the waves flow
  • Chakra treatments
  • Healing on and off the body

DURATION of the sonotherapy class

  • PRESENTIAL Intensive 5h~
  • OR VIRTUAL CLASS of 5h (or 2.5h on 2 consecutive days)
  • In 1:1 or small group
  • Private Facebook group, my WhatsApp
Crystal bowls course・Sonotherapy


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