12-sound meditations


Guided sound meditations

New moon meditation healing ONLINE

12 moon sound meditation, release one emotion every New moon

Welcome harmony and inner peace into your life through meditation.
Discover the health benefits of meditation, accompanied by the relaxing action of sound vibrations.
Meditation helps you to centre yourself, soothes the mind, brings clarity of mind, and improves concentration. Practiced regularly, it takes away stress and allows you to move towards a life in full consciousness.

A deep healing of body and mind that harmonize the circulation of the elements and energy flow in your organs according to the seasons (Chinese calendar).

Prepare yourself for meditation with self-acupressure, breathing, re-programming of the mind.

From your member area, access the meditation sequence, and play the soundtrack specially created according to the theme of the month, the energy of the season and the organs involved.

The goal is to purify your cells through the action of sound vibrations on the water of your body, in order to release your blockages and integrate a new positive pattern.

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12 Sound meditations

Powerful sound meditations ONLINE PROGRAMME

Your monthly sound meditations, following the 12 new moon over the year. Harmonize your body and mind with seasons and bring inner peace.

The beginning is guided to help you dive in a light trance, the way you wish.

You have enough of…

Being tired, stress, anxiety, thinking too much

You wish to…

Feel inner peace, bring joy in your life, increase harmony, be more focus

You are ready for…

Start a new monthly simple practice, expand yourself, explore a new inner world, feeling love and light.


Welcome harmony and inner peace into your life through meditation.
Discover the health benefits of meditation, accompanied by the relaxing action of sound vibrations.
Meditation helps you to centre yourself, soothes the mind, brings clarity of mind, and improves concentration. Practiced regularly, it takes away stress and allows you to move towards a life in full consciousness.


A very unique concept never done before: take care of your body & mind over the year!

12 meditation = 12 emotions to release = 12 organ to balances

Each meditation follow the Chinese energy calendar.

Each season is connected to an elements.


Our new moon sound meditations are for you!

12 sound meditations = a new habit for positive changes in your life

An amazing journey that will will bring you a deep relaxation of body and mind, inner peace and more energy, refreshing feeling to continue with joy.

Follow the season.

Take care of you body and mind with

  • Our special preparation based on Chinese traditional medicines & taoïsme principle
  • The healing power of our sound wave




12-sound meditations


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