Body health

Advices to maintain your body in good health.

Psychosomatic disorders : the langage of the body

Psychosomatic disorders : the langage of the body Psychosomatic disorders, physical symptoms with emotional origins, can be release by understanding the somato emotional language of the body. By being deciphered, it allows to free body and mind from these blockages. Thanks to a reading of the relationships between emotions, vertebrae and organs, we have keys […]

Headache: natural remedies

Headache: natural remedies Headache, migraines… How to get relief quickly, avoiding medication and painkillers? Yes, more grandmotherly remedies as we like them! Let’s look at the causes and symptoms of these headaches that affect so many people. If allopathic medicine is fantastic for the treatment of many pathologies, it is not the best against headaches. […]

Seasonal allergies: symptoms, causes, natural remedies

Seasonal allergies correspond to an over-activation of the immune system to an external antigen. Following a first previous contact with the antigen in question, the body reacts uncontrollably. And often more violently in the presence of the same antigen. When do seasonal allergies appear, what are the symptoms and what are the natural remedies? Let’s […]

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