Sleep disorders: symptoms and treatments

sleep disorder

Sleep disorders: symptoms and treatments

Sleep disorders are common and affect many people. When it is temporary, it causes temporary discomfort. But if it lasts longer than three weeks, it becomes chronic. So what are the symptoms and consequences of sleep problems, and how can they be remedied? 

  • Thoughts running through your head at night, worries, stress, anxieties? 
  • Do you replay your day, and try to solve the problems you encountered during the day?
  • You wake up at night, often at specific times, and it is hard to get back to sleep? 
  • Are you tired during the day and can’t sleep at night?
  • Does your partner tell you that you make sudden movements at night, grind your teeth

πŸ₯Ί These are signs that you are suffering from sleep disorders 😴 

Don’t wait until it becomes chronic: it’s time to act to avoid physical and mental exhaustion! Here we give you explanations and solutions.


Do you sometimes feel preoccupied in the evening and cannot sleep? 

Fatigue accumulates, headaches and tired eyes, lack of attention and difficulty in focusing… The lack of recuperative sleep can even lead to physical and mental exhaustion. Not to mention the stress that is added on top: the fear of not being able to sleep. You then enter a vicious circle in which you don’t always know how to get out on your own… 

Chronic sleep disorders

Sometimes it’s just a passing thing: a long journey, a night job, a disturbance in your life… but if it lasts for more than 3 weeks and occurs more than 2 or 3 times a week, we talk about a chronic sleep disorder.Β Β It is important to consult a doctor so as not to let the symptoms worsen and indicate that something is wrong: LISTEN to your BODY, IT SPEAKS TO YOU πŸ™‚Β 


On the mind

The longer the lack of sleep persists, the more likely you are to be subject to depression, mood swings, or the development of certain diseases such as Elzheimer’s. Not to mention the irritability and increasing difficulty in managing your emotions… leading you to express yourself without filters. 

In addition, your lack of attention is likely to increase as the disorder persists. Beyond the unproductivity generated, this can potentially put you in danger. Absolutely avoid driving when you are subject to the sleep disorder, and look carefully at the road before crossing. Ask to be accompanied when you go out: you are more vulnerable. Take it into consideration until you feel better! 

Brain damage

In the long term, lack of restful sleep can have devastating effects on your health, particularly your brain. Indeed, it can cause severe neurological dysfunction. It turns out that the brain, due to lack of sleep, consumes its “spent” cells. Also, the astrocytes would start to devour portions of the synapses… Thus damaging the brain.

On the physical body

Lack of sleep will also be the cause of many physiological disturbances leading to sudden weight gain or loss. Or a dull skin tone, a tendency to depression and malaise. 

Not to mention that in the long term, it will also have an impact on your respiratory and blood capacity. With side effects such as palpitations, heavy legs, loss of muscle tone etc.


πŸ‘‰ Dyssomnias: of psychological origin

Thoughts in your head… A vicious circle: the more you think about it, the more you worry about not being able to sleep tonight… and the less you sleep! This is very common in people who are prone to stress, anxiety, depression, or when you are going through a phase of change in your life

If you wake up at night, take note of the time when this happens. This can give us an indication of an organ that is out of balance. In Chinese Medicine, we talk about weakness or overflow of “ki” or “chi”. 

πŸ‘‰ Altitude insomnia

When you wake up in the middle of the night, at +4000m, because you lack of air. Experienced in Peru, and on top of Toubkal in Morocco!

πŸ‘‰ Insomnia linked to illnesses

For example anorexia. In this case, it is linked to an eating disorder. Indeed, the body has many deficiencies that prevent the body from functioning properly. Thus, its functioning and its natural cycles are disturbed… including sleep. 

Or narcolepsy, which is the sudden onset of sleep that can occur at any time of the day. A disturbance of the REM sleep command, which is called the REM phase (rapid eye movement). 

πŸ‘‰ Parasomnias: specific behaviours occurring during sleep

Sleepwalking, bruxism, sudden movements during sleep, sleep terrors, sleep apnea.

πŸ‘‰ A disorder of the epiphysis – pineal gland

We don’t talk about it much and yet… It also plays a role in regulating your circadian cycle: the biological rhythm of sleep-wake. It is a gland that is still under-researched and under-studied. But we know that neuroscience is constantly evolving. So I note this as an avenue to explore! Maybe it’s time to start meditating!

πŸ‘‰ A disruption of the regulatory system

Often the case for people working at night, or after a long plane trip. But in general, it is temporary. I have however very often had people consult me who still suffered from it two months later. It all depends on your body, some are more sensitive than others!


No screens before sleeping!

Switch off your smartphone, close your computer and go back to reading… or a romantic evening, as you wish πŸ˜‰ 

Keep well hydrated and take care of your diet πŸ‰

I always say this in my dance therapy classes, before I start the shiatsu self-massage and brain gym exercises! Drinking allows your brain to function properly, with a good connection between your right and left hemispheres.

Play sports… but not at night πŸƒ

Doing physical activity allows you to move stress down from your head into your body to release it… especially the accumulated emotional burdens. However, prefer on the morning. When you exercise, you secrete certain hormones (including endorphins) that take time to come down, which disrupts falling asleep. 

Eat a light dinner earlier ⏰

Your body will take longer to digest if you eat too much in the evening, and will require more energy. For a good rest, it’s best to go to bed when digestion is complete, so eat at least 3 hours before you sleep

Sleep in a clean, orderly room with a stable temperature

Indeed, if you feel unwell in the room where you sleep or if it is full of electronic equipment, it is not the most advisable for a good rest. Also, a room that is too hot or too humid/dry is not ideal. Ask about humidifiers or dehumidifiers, depending on the room. 

Try to keep this space a haven of peace, softness and well-being! In one of my articles, I talked to you about Feng shui, I invite you to read it: it gives some hints! It is important not to engage in complicated discussions with your partner in this space. It should only be dedicated to rest and sleep.Β 


Medication is not the answer

Especially as your body may quickly become accustomed to this substance. The easy way out is to cover up one problem and create another. If you want to take something, try valerian tea, chamomile, or CBD oil to relax. It is with great kindness and consideration for your being that I encourage you to treat the root of the problem rather than the surface. It won’t be quick and easy, but for sure, you will gradually get back in shape.

Go to an energy therapist 

Have you ever heard of Reiki and its benefits for sleep? Indeed, it is radical: you put your head down and go with Morpheus. And combined with sonotherapy, the effect of the energetic vibrations and sounds is simply magical. I can assure you that if you can’t sleep, you will! Moreover, your energy therapist will be able to make a balance and restore the subtle imbalances of your being: chakras, memories etc.

You can also try self-hypnosis, which puts you in a modified state of consciousness for deep relaxation. Our guided sound meditations have exactly this effect. Whether you decide to do them lying down as a relaxation, or sitting as a meditation, the choice is yours. Either way, I guarantee you will relax well!

Do a physiological rebalancing β–³ 

What we experience in our life impacts our body directly as everything is connected. So, sometimes our body can’t manage on its own and has difficulties in self-regulating. So we need to identify where the original cause of the imbalance is, and help it a little.  Some effective methods:  

  • SHIATSU (acupressure πŸ‘ ): rebalances the circulation of chi in the body and organs.
  • TOUCH FOR HEALTH (chiropractic and Chinese medicine): releases accumulated physical-emotional stress, looks for deficiencies, strengthens muscles
  • KINESIOLOGY : helps you to gain the necessary awareness to change your behavioural habits and your attitude towards life.


Take some time for yourself: relax, unwind, nature 🌲

Think about taking a break and taking a holiday. There are many places that offer WELLNESS and spiritual RETREATS. Plan a great RELAX program in nature, meditation, Japanese yoga, dance, sound travel/sonotherapy, river bathing, organic vegetarian meals, wilderness cooking, hiking…

That’s what life is all about: lazing around, enjoying the passing of time, and taking time to… dreaming and manifesting!

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Sleep disorders: symptoms and treatments

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