First Name *Last Name *Email *Number of Guest *Does it include any children? YesNoAge of all the guest Interested in *Private retreat THERAPY・¥75000Private retreat TRANSFORMATION・¥60000Private retreat DISCOVER・¥41000Couple retreat THERAPY・¥70000Couple retreat RELAXATION・¥55000Family retreatGroup retreat・¥25000~¥35000 (depending if 1 night or 2 night)REIKI retreat・Level 1 & 2・2, 3 or 4 daysNote: we have only 4 dates a year for group retreats. However, we welcome you with your friends and family outside of those dates, from 2 to 6 peoples.Any Special Request? (special diet, allergies, activity preference or therapy preference)Would you like to include the onsen in the program? *YesNoGROUP RETREAT - Which activity do you prefer: MeditationSelf shiatsu, self massage, acupressureQi gongBody work: Stretching, body reeducation, reinforcement, postureBody relaxation & awareness, breathing (Eutonie, BMS, Feldenkreis)Dance: movement therapy, self expressionBrain gym (improve cognitive function)Reiki healingArts : Musique, drawing, creative writingPRIVATE RETREAT - Which therapy are you interested in: PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL - Kinesiology 3 in 1 concepts (age recession)PSYCHOTHERAPY - EMDR, hypnosis, cognitive & behavioral (mind)CHIROPRACTIC - Kinesiology Touch for healthCOGNITIVE THERAPY - Brain Gym (learning, focus, memory)PHYSICAL THERAPY - Japanese seitai & Shiatsu (acupressure, chiro)BODY MASSAGE (thai, deep tissue, slimming, recovery, circulation)AESTHETIC - Face and body careENERGY HEALING - Reiki UsuiSOUND HEALING - Sonotherapy (crystal bowls, tuning forks...)ART THERAPY - Dance and movementNameSubmitShareTweetPin