How to overcome anxiety?

overcome anxiety

How to overcome anxiety? To fight stress? On the long term, the impact on your health is not to ignore. But good news, natural solutions exist to get rid of anxiety! If you apply all those advices, it will surely help you.

What is anxiety

Stress is a physiological response of the body to a situation that will require immediate adaptation. If it becomes chronic, we talk about anxiety.

If stress can have a positive reaction on the body boosting performance through the secretion of adrenaline hormone, in the long terms, it can lead the body to a state of exhaustion. Indeed, in anxiety, there is intervention of the mind, related to emotions. Anxiety attacks can be a consequence when the body can no longer handle it. 

The origin of anxiety from psychological perspective

Unmet needs 

Anyone who suffers from anxiety suffers from a problem related to one of the basic needs of the human being : certainty. It means inner security, one that avoids pain and increases pleasure. Anxious people often do not realize that this basic need is not satisfied and is really deep within themselves.


They may also feel helpless about theirs lives, have fears in their lives. And this has the effect of a response of the body by these reactions described previously (fight or flight) and too much production of cortisol. And when that happens, you feel even more anxious. The body produces even more cortisol. Etc etc … until it reaches a level such that anxiety attacks occur repeatedly, or that a possible heart attack occurs, being unable to respond to this deep need for security.

A direct reaction would be screaming, crying, running during a sudden rise of anguish … but in our society there is no real possibility of reacting like this, and there is no possibility for this energy accumulated in response to the production of cortisol to escape. So it must be put in place a way to do it regularly at first to reduce the level of anxiety.

Past trauma and memories

Indeed, I noticed with my work that the deep root cause of anxiety is often in the childhood, or even during the pregnancy of the mother. I can also be related to trans-generational memories… And believe me, this can be found and the emotional memories carrieds by your body release. Yes, you can be free from anxiety forever! 

A therapist that was using kinesiology and energy work changed my live, at a time where my anxiety was at the worth… It has strongly inspired me to become therapist myself. Don’t listen that anyone tell you you need year to be cured… it’s not true.

If you are suffering from severe anxiety, try one of the solution listed below. However, I highly recommend you to see a therapist as soon as possible. Stress can have serious impact on your body on the long terms. Please don’t stay along with that! We can help you. If you need help with that and wonder which therapy to follow, click HERE and explain briefly your situation.

What are the long terms solutions ?



Gets a professional help is important to evaluate your level of anxiety and stress in your life. But also check how much your body is impacted. Indeed, when you are living with high anxiety for a long period, there is an impact of stress on the body.

Indeed, I know high anxiety very well as I’ve been suffering from it in the past. I used to visit the closest hospital 1h away very often at night… But doctors never found was I had. They were saying: “come in full crisis next time”.  And I was always given chemicals that I couldn’t take not having the habits of not natural medicine at all. 

I tried everything I could to stop feeling the physical and emotional pains I was living with. Until I met an amazing therapist that opened the door of healing. He was practicing various traditional medicine of the world including kinesiology and energy work. I know it was on my way for a reason, and here I am today, a therapist and healer myslef, having traveled the world to learn natural medicines! 

How long are you going to suffer from anxiety? Please, don’t stay alone: ask for help. I did it, you can as well!

Reiki healing

For sure, if you suffer from anxiety, you might have sleep issue as well. Or feeling more anxiety at night for exemple. Reiki healing will help you a lot to release your emotional tension of the day. Moreover, you will reconnect with yourself and feeling more self love. 

You can even learn and take reiki course with me if you want to do your self treatment every day. Ask me If you feel like: even if you are living too far, there is solutions remotely! 


Sonotherapy is perfect to help you release physical and emotional tension. Especially tuning forks: it’s really help your body to self heal and self balance. Every of my reiki healing session and therapy sessions include sound healing. Your will love it! Check the reviews on the website to see what they say about it!

2. Body care

Physical exercice

Physical activity allows you to use the extra cortisol produced. 20 to 30 min is already enough for the body to produce endorphins, hormones that help relaxation. Qi gong,Tai chi, Yoga, meditation, meditation, meditative dance  : all activities soothing the nervous system.

Doing group activities is also very beneficial. When we connect with other people, we also reduce the cortisol level in the body. Our parasympathetic nervous system is under sedation when we are in close relationship with other people, when we feel a connection with them… Human beings are social beings. Isolation increases anxiety.

With the years, I have developed my own well-being method by movement. Being a dancer and passionate about art therapy and traditional Chinese medicine, gradually the sacred organic dance was born. It is a method of harmonizing the elements in the body and the energy circulation in the meridians. I invite you to discover it below !

Gardening, time in nature

Gardening allows you to be in contact with nature, and to enter a state of meditation.
This allows you to refocus on a simple activity, and take the time to observe nature.

Every plant that grows, the animals and insects that live in your garden teach you about the ecosystem and the natural balance of things : beautiful lessons in humility.

Your diet

There are some foods that increase anxiety, others that decrease it. Choose a diet that stabilizes our blood sugar level.

When the blood sugar level suddenly decreases and becomes low. In this case, the part of our brain that creates the physical reaction of flight or combat is triggered… So there is a chance that you will feel anxiety in your day.

Reduce :

  • Coffee, particularly refined white sugar, frying, highly carbohydrate carbohydrate, alcoholic beverages, but also tobacco…

Increase the consumption of :

  • Nori, Kimchi, edamame
  • Grains : quinoa, brown rice, farro, squash and nuts.
  • Dark chocolate, blueberry, maca.
  • Vitamin B12 and B6, Omega 3: linseed oil.
  • Chamomile tea, Udon tea, Oat straw tea (oat straw tea) 


Sleep enough, at least 8 hours: this reduces stress… When you sleep, you realign with each of your subtle bodies, you release all the resistances you have worn during the day. Allow to release its resistances by sleeping, it is so simple. The fight/leak reaction is triggered more easily when you are sleep-deprived or do not have enough sugar in your blood. 

Before you sleep, make sure you feel good. Your attention should not be focused on worries. If you sleep with worries, you can wake up with them and start your day on the wrong foot… We dream based on what we thought in our day, especially what you thought before you went to sleep. Then think about some nice things when you get into bed. Prepare the next day by thinking about positive things, what will make you succeed. 

Listen to music, watch a movie (non-violent), read a book, play games, or hug your family. Write in his gratitude journal the things that have been beautiful in your day. Why not give yourself massages with your loved ones ?

Structure your diet according to what we have seen before: avoid eating too heavy, especially in the evening. Prefer snacks such as fruit, seeds between meals for example. 

3. Mind Care


There are many meditation methods to soothe the body and mind. I invite you to learn more about the practices and benefits of meditation in this article. I propose a simple method to start step by step, and how to go further gradually. 

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Relaxation with healing music

Create playlists to reduce your anxiety. Composers are able to use vibrations to release emotions blocked within you, and create a real escape from your stress. Deep transformations can occur, just by the effect of vibrations on your body. Indeed, being composed of 70% water and water reacting instantly to vibrations, music has a powerful effect on your being. However, avoid any music that stimulates your nervous system, increases stress and nervousness, or causes you negative emotions.

I offer you with joy to listen to this magnificent composition by Naoshi Matsumura a.k.a NaosisoaN.

Settle down comfortably, and enjoy! 

Relaxation by breathing

Inhale deeply through the belly, open the ribs. Then exhale and dig your belly. A small very short apnea can be performed in full lung and empty lung, while it remains very short (not for pregnant women). Combine this with other exercises and see what works for you.

Release your emotions

I encourage you to write your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Everything that comes, your worries, stressful thoughts… Go as fast as you can so you don’t have to analyze. Even if it doesn’t make sense, release this energy, get it out of you. If you need to write insults go ahead: this is not the time to be politically correct, just write everything that comes. It really liberates and you will sleep much better!

Take care of your thoughts

Anxiety is a reflection of your thoughts. Thoughts are vibrations, which you can transform. When you feel anxious, identify and question your thoughts. Observe and question your beliefs.

Then change them, step by step. You will be surprised how fast this can go. And if it doesn’t change as quickly as you would like, agree to take more time for yourself, for your evolution.

You’re moving forward, that’s good! Celebrate each small transformation to encourage yourself.

Body and mind do not move at the same pace: the body is always slower. Don’t panic if physical pain comes back or appears: everything is connected in the human body. The old one has to evacuate to make way for the new one! The mind moves, the body moves too.


Try to find opportunities to laugh: when you laugh, your body can no longer believe it is in danger, because it receives a message that you are safe. Watch videos that make you laugh, comedians, try to find all kinds of fun you can find.

Love yourself, respect yourself

Respect yourself, go at your own pace. Be honest with where you stand. If you feel that it brings you a little more control and love of yourself to go beyond your limits, then do it. Don’t force yourself to do what’s difficult now. Go step by step. Allow yourself to find what is good to make you feel good during your day. Choose how you wake up, how you organize your day, your life, how you go to bed…

If you suffer from anxiety it is because your system is highly sensitive. That doesn’t mean there’s not something wrong with you. It is even potentially the opposite because your sensitivity is very beautiful and you will gradually learn to use it for beautiful things for yourself and others… Taking this time for you, taking care of yourself is essential to get better.

Never listen to others’ projections: they don’t have to tell you if you should live in this or that way, or impose their perspective. Find out for yourself what makes you feel good and allow yourself to do it. Don’t judge yourself for having to structure your life in such a way as to have a pleasant life. If you live in alignment with yourself, you organize your life around your desires and needs. There’s nothing wrong with that! Just make sure you are always open to the outside world.

4. Medication


This is not for me the best option to treat anxiety from my point of view: this is not good for the body in the long run and become addictive. When you take a medicine, it acts as a chemical substitute that your body produces at that time. Your brain orders to stop producing this substance by itself. Then, the time you stop taking the drug, it takes a while for the body to replicate that substance naturally, which is difficult for many people to endure … and they quit weaning.

However, if it helps you for a while, or it’s your belief that you can not do without it, it may be. Warning: I always talk about the case of anxiety and not other pathologies.

Natural alternative for the treatment of anxiety

Medicinal plants in infusions such as valerian or passionflower (passiflora incarnata) for sleep, or St. John’s Wort in the evening, as a 3-week treatment (prevention / treatment of depression).


  • Ignatia 15CH (hyper-emotivity), 
  • Gelsemium 15Ch in the background (chronic anxiety, track, tremor, concentration disorders)
  • Aconitum
  • Napellus 15CH (anxiety attack, sweat and palpitations). 
  • Argentum Nitricum 15CH (fear panic, vertigo, acute anxiety), 
  • Arsenicum Album 15CH (fear of the night, fear of being alone),
  • Ambra
  • Grisea(nervosity)
  • Arnica CH (associated muscle pain). Coffea Cruda 15 CH (sleep disorders due to cerebral hyperactivity). 
  • Arsenicum Album 15CH (nocturnal awakenings with anxieties)

Other natural medicines

  • L72
  • Magnesium
  • The Bach and the Rescue in case of an anxiety attack&nbsp
  • Essential oil of peppermint in case of faint
  • Lavender essential oil to relax before sleep
  • minerals: amethyst, rose quartz, blue chalcedony, lapis lazuli, black tourmaline

CBD oil and CBG oil as a food supplement

Research on the subject demonstrates the natural soothing and anxiolitic effects of cannabidiol on the mind (THC-free and legal). I was able to test the benefits and many clients were very satisfied. I invite you to consult my article on the subject!​

Did you learn anything? Help your friends, share on SNS!

Want to go further? Try our new moon sound meditation

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How to overcome anxiety?

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